Trunk o Treat! Be Sweet! Give me Something to Eat!

Trunk o Treat! Be Sweet! Give me Something to Eat!

Nearest Place for
Trunk Or Treat In Bedford Texas
In the month of October, everyone starts their preparations for Halloween season but children got excited because of the Trunk or Treat, for the sake of this spooky season, we as your favorite sports bar is organizing the most esteemed event of the year “Trunk or Treat” Bring your little goblins and ghouls to a ghostly Trunk or Treat at the Central-Office Bar. Scary costumes are suggested because everything will be set according to Halloween. Monsters, Ghosts, Vampires, Witches, and warlocks will be there to make your Trunk or Treat scarier. Don’t miss the chance to attend our free event from 11:00 AM-3:00 PM on 23rd Oct. Trunks will be set up in our parking lot on central DR, so Please be there with your kids and decorated Trunks, on time. For everyone’s safety, we have arranged local first responders and Local vendors will be there with their services. This event features; Candy Games and Prize, Face Painting, Bounce houses along with Costume Content. DJ Inzain, TNBC, and the PD & Fire Department of Bedford will be joining us as special guests. Spooky Trunks or Treat kits with so much fun will be there. Prepare yourself for a thrilling Trunk or Treat. Enjoy your Trunk or Treat with Central Office Bar

Nearest Place for
Trunk Or Treat In Bedford Texas
In the month of October, everyone starts their preparations for Halloween season but children got excited because of the Trunk or Treat, for the sake of this spooky season, we as your favorite sports bar is organizing the most esteemed event of the year “Trunk or Treat” Bring your little goblins and ghouls to a ghostly Trunk or Treat at the Central-Office Bar. Scary costumes are suggested because everything will be set according to Halloween. Monsters, Ghosts, Vampires, Witches, and warlocks will be there to make your Trunk or Treat scarier. Don’t miss the chance to attend our free event from 11:00 AM-3:00 PM on 23rd Oct. Trunks will be set up in our parking lot on central DR, so Please be there with your kids and decorated Trunks, on time. For everyone’s safety, we have arranged local first responders and Local vendors will be there with their services. This event features; Candy Games and Prize, Face Painting, Bounce houses along with Costume Content. DJ Inzain, TNBC, and the PD & Fire Department of Bedford will be joining us as special guests. Spooky Trunks or Treat kits with so much fun will be there. Prepare yourself for a thrilling Trunk or Treat. Enjoy your Trunk or Treat with Central Office Bar

Central Office Bar & Kitchen is organizing Trunk or Treat on 23rd October 2022 and inviting all Business Vendors & Volunteers to reserve their spot. this event will start from 11:00 Am to 03:00 Pm at 2208 Central Dr, Bedford TX. 76021. Decorate your Trunk or be part of the most spooking event of the year, there will be competition for the most-scary table so bring a table to decorate on our walking trail. If you want to support us you can donate to our candy fund. Bring candy & merch to pass out. People who are willing to serve with us as volunteers are much appreciated. Remember the last date for registration is the 19th Oct so hurry up and reserve your spot today!
Sunday, October 23, 2022
All Ages
11:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Sunday, October 23, 2022
All Ages
11:00 AM to 3:00 PM